The 1st International Seminar on Mineral and Coal Technology (ISMCT 2021) was held for the first time in Bandung, Indonesia on the 23rd–24th June 2021. The seminar theme is “Sustainable Development on Mining, Processing, and Environment” and presented four distinguished keynote speakers, namely Dr. Ir. Ridwan Djamaluddin, M.Sc. as Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia (MEMR); Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Nikoloski from Murdoch University, Australia; Dr. Kazuyuki Murakami from JCOAL, Japan; and Cristian Bolda, BCSEng (Mech) from Leigh Creek Energy, Australia. The seminar also performed 10 Invited speakers from institutions, namely the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Uzbekistan; GOLD ISMIA-UNDP; Mine Reclamation Corporation, South Korea; TNB Fuel, Malaysia; Research and Development Center for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA); PT. Vale Indonesia; PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara; PT. Indo Tambang Megah; PT PLN (Persero); and PT. Timah Tbk.The participant of the seminar included academics, researchers, practitioners, professionals, and government personnel that came from Murdoch University, Australia; Center for Ceramics; Ministry of Industry Republic of Indonesia; Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI); tekMIRA-MEMR; Center for Applied Nuclear Science and Technology (PSTNT) - BATAN; The Laboratory of Fuel and Engineering Design (BTBRD-BPPT); Centre for Pulp and Paper-Ministry of Industry; PT. PLN (Persero); Research Center for Maritime Affairs Republic of Indonesia; PT Multi Nitrotama Kimia; University of Indonesia (UI), Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPN Jakarta), Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jogjakarta (UPN Jogjakarta), University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD), University of Trisakti (USAKTI), University of Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Polytechnic of Energy and Mining (PEP), and Technology Institute of Sumatera (ITERA).Due to pandemic Covid-19, the seminar was held virtually and was conducted within two days. The first day seminar was divided into three sessions, the first session was the opening ceremony which began with the ISMCT report from Head of Research and Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources, and opening remarks from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources that belongs to the first session. The second session came from two keynote speakers and the third session was a parallel oral presentation which was divided into five virtual rooms based on the presentation theme, i.e., room A (Mineral); Room B (Coal); Room C (Mining); Room D (Environment) and Room E (Techno-economics and Policy). Each room was guided by a moderator and operator. Parallel session in each room was initiated with the speak from the invited speaker, followed by the oral presentation from an average of 10 presenters per room with assigned time for 15 minutes per presenter (10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes discussion). The second day was divided into three sessions, the first session was a keynote speech served by two keynote speakers, and the second session was the parallel session. The third session was the closing speech from the chairman of the committee and ended with the announcement the of the best presenter.Around 103 selected manuscripts were presented in the seminar. Such an amount was chosen from 137 manuscripts that had been received by the committee and screened by the ISMCT editorial team. All manuscripts have been peer-reviewed with triple-blind review by three reviewers for each manuscript. Of 103 presented manuscripts around 88 papers have been accepted by the editorial team and submitted to IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) for further processing prior to publishing them.The ISMCT 2021 has been successfully organized by R&D Centre for Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA) and has brought together practitioners, researchers, academics, regulators, professionals and civil society to meet and collaborate on sustainable development and technology innovation in the fields of mineral, coal and mining industry, processing, environment and techno-economics and policy.Thanks to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Research and Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources and the directorate General of Mineral and Coal - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia for the support. Special appreciations to the organizing committee and the editor team who have well coordination, and has given effort in organizing the seminar and the process of papers publishing.Editors Team,1. Prof. Dr. Datin Fatia Umar2. Ir. Tatang Wahyudi, MSc3. Dra. Sri Handayani, MSc4. Dr. M. Ikhlasul Amal5. Dr. Yudi Nugraha Thaha6. Prof. Dr. Binarko Santoso7. Dr. Robi KurniawanList of titles Steering Committee, Organizing Committee are available in this Pdf.
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