We study the following system of equationsLi(ui)=Hi(u1,⋯,um)inRn, when m≥1, ui:Rn→R and H=(Hi)i=1m is a sequence of general nonlinearities. The nonlocal operator Li is given byLi(f(x)):=limϵ→0∫Rn∖Bϵ(x)[f(x)−f(z)]Ji(z−x)dz, for a sequence of even, nonnegative and measurable jump kernels Ji. We prove a Poincaré inequality for stable solutions of the above system for a general jump kernel Ji. In particular, for the case of scalar equations, that is when m=1, it reads∬R2nAy(∇xu)[η2(x)+η2(x+y)]J(y)dxdy≤∬R2nBy(∇xu)[η(x)−η(x+y)]2J(y)dxdy, for any η∈Cc1(Rn) and for some nonnegative Ay(∇xu) and By(∇xu). This is a counterpart of the celebrated inequality derived by Sternberg and Zumbrun in [46] for semilinear elliptic equations that is used extensively in the literature to establish De Giorgi type results, to study phase transitions and to prove regularity properties. We then apply this inequality to finite range jump processes and to jump processes with decays to prove De Giorgi type results in two dimensions. In addition, we show that whenever Hi(u)≥0 or ∑i=1muiHi(u)≤0 then Liouville theorems hold for each ui in one and two dimensions. Lastly, we provide certain energy estimates under various assumptions on the jump kernel Ji and a Liouville theorem for the quotient of partial derivatives of u.