The current research summarizes recent developments performed within the PSI BEPU methodology and the corresponding results on the SPERT-III RIA experiments. In this regard, three main studies have been carried out. First, an uncertainty breakdown study has been performed in order to identify the dominant nuclear data and to quantify their respective contributions to the overall uncertainties of the parameters of interest. On the other hand, the second study was devoted to assess the impact of considering the effect of cross section perturbation (limited for the time being to U-238 capture) in the resonance self-shielding calculation, known as the implicit effect, on different parameters’ uncertainties in SPERT-III RIA transient. Finally, the third study was conducted with the main goal to assess the impact of kinetic parameter uncertainties, such as delayed neutron yields and associated decay constants, on the overall uncertainties.The uncertainty quantification results of the first study, based on the ENDF/B-VII.1 library, showed that, for steady-state, the first dominant contributor to the overall uncertainties of the static reactivity worth and k-eff is U-235 nubar, followed by U-238 then U-235 capture cross sections. However, for the transient, the first dominant contributor to the overall uncertainties, in e.g. total power and reactivity, is the U-238 inelastic scattering. More interestingly, it was found that, the second dominant contribution to the overall power uncertainty, during the initial excursion phase, is due to the U-235 nubar, while during the power reversal phase, the U-238 capture becomes the second dominant contribution, and even the first one by the end of the transient. Moreover, results of the second study demonstrated a clear systematic decrease of the uncertainty of all parameters due to the inclusion of the implicit effect. In steady state, due to the impact of the implicit effect, the Doppler coefficient relative uncertainty could be reduced up to 30%, which is reflected in the transient, especially in the reversal phase of the power excursion where Doppler effect plays a key role, by a systematic decrease of the relative uncertainty of total power and other parameters. Finally, in the third study, the estimated uncertainties, regarding both steady-state and transient parameters, have shown systematic larger values due to kinetic parameter uncertainties compared to those due to the other nuclear data.
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