The swift progress of intelligence (AI) has led to the creation of self- improving algorithms that enable AI systems to improve their own abilities without human input necessary. These independent AI systems are propelling the advancement of technologies in various sectors such as healthcare and self-driving vehicles. Self-improving algorithms are essential, in empowering AI systems to acquire knowledge and refine their operations by examining real time data and adjusting their models with fresh insights. This research explores the workings of self-improving algorithms and delves into their problem-solving abilities and applications across various fields of study. Furthermore, this study discusses the potential of these algorithms and examines the opportunities and challenges posed by their growing autonomy specifically in domains such as ethics, security, and interactions, between humans and AI systems. Through an exploration of uses and the progress, in technology that enables self-improving AI systems this research seeks to offer a comprehensive insight into the impact these systems will have on shaping future intelligent technologies. Keywords: Self-Improving Algorithms, Autonomous AI, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Continuous Learning, Autonomous Decision-Making, Optimization, Ethics in AI, AI in Healthcare, AI in Autonomous Vehicles, AI Systems, AI Adaptability
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