Objectives This study looked at the adaptation to school life of 20th year college students in the endemic phase of COVID-19. Through this, the meaning of these records was clarified in terms of education and ethics. Methods For this purpose, 20 respondents were sampled by convenience sampling and snowball sampling at K university, and then the academic adaptation and social adaptation were examined by the focus group interview. With regard to academic adaptation, this study examined how self-directed learning competencies were exercised, focusing on learning planning competencies, learning execution competencies, and learning evaluation competencies. And with regard to social adaptation, this study examined how social communication competencies developed around social competencies, mobilization competencies, and coordination competencies. Results The liveliness of face-to-face interaction induced learning flow and facilitated active class attitudes and communication among students, but it was not easy to adjust the learning and living time, and group activities and relative evaluation increased the burden of class. The communication with members of the school was made passively by centered on acquaintances. It is inconvenient and awkward for them to go first as the grade goes up. This is the result of the intensification of the freshman experience, and they were more preoccupied with immediate job preparation than communication with members of the school. Conclusions The record of adaptation to school life of 20th year college students should be set as the public memory of the contemporaries who have endured the disease disaster and it is necessary to use it as a public good of social ethics that will allow society to come forward as a subject to solve the situation. It should be utilized in disaster response in the education field, and it should be sought to improve resilience so that learners can successfully adapt to school life.
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