A study on organ clearance of mercury ( 203HgCl 2) and selenium ( 75SeO 3 2−) given separately or simultaneously in single doses by intraperitoneal injections to mice has been performed. The simultaneous administrations are handled in molar ratios (Hg/Se) less, than equal to or greater than one. Liver, kidneys, spleen and blood contain most of the mercury and selenium, administered, while heart, lungs, skin, muscle and brain only contain small amounts. Both elements are retained to a higher degree in especially kidneys, liver, spleen and blood when co-administered than when administered alone. In kidneys, clearance rate of selenium is found to be independent of mercury administration, with an effective halflife 11.2–13.5 days in accordance with the whole elimination. The clearance of mercury is, however, strongly dependent on coadministered selenium. At low molar ration (Hg/Se ⩽ 1) of administered doses clearance rate is identical to that of selenium, compared to an effective halflife when administered alone. In liver the effective halflife of selenium when administered alone or coadministered with mercury (Hg/Se ratio < 1) is found identical to that of kidneys: 11.2–12.5 days. At increasing molar ratios retention of selenium increases and clearance rate decreases. A marked decrease in mercury clearance from liver is induced by simultaneously administered selenium. The effective halflife becoming extremely administered selenium. The effective halflife becoming extremely long and under certain conditions even an accumulation is found to take place. Concordant relations are found for liver and spleen. Selenium in blood is only affected to a minor degree by mercury. Clearance rate for mercury is decreased by selenium. At a molar ratio between doses (Hg/Se) ⩾ 1 clearance rate is approximately identical to that of selenium. It is indicated that selenium metabolism is quantitatively rather than qualitatively influenced by mercury as mercury administration provokes a higher retention of a given dose of selenium while clearance rate in kidneys and blood is only influenced by high molar ratios (Hg/Se). Contrary to selenium, mercury metabolism is altered both qualitatively and quantitatively as retention as well as clearance rate are influenced by selenium in all organs and in all molar ratios given in kidneys and blood. It is assumed that at least 2 mechanisms exist in the metabolic pathways of mercury: (1) binding to metallothionein; and (2) binding to selenium containing metabolic compounds. As selenium induced an increase in mercury retention it is questioned whether selenium is beneficial in case of chroniic exposure to inorganic mercury. It also implies the question of bioavailability of selenium in animal food items.