The Northwest Seismic Network of Mexico (RESNOM) is operated by personnel from the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE), which supervises station installation, improvement, and maintenance. We employed seismic noise and the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method to determine, for each station, the following site condition parameters: the depth of the rock layer (Heng_bed), and the geotechnical parameter VS30, obtained from 1D shear wave velocity models. Other parameters as the fundamental frequency (f0) and the average amplitude at the fundamental frequency (A0) were also estimated. Our results show clear differences between the values obtained for the Mexicali Valley and the Peninsular ranges regions. The VS30 obtained for stations of the Mexicali Valley region falls in the range from 173 m/s to 535 m/s, while for the Peninsular Ranges region is between 213 m/s and 958 m/s. Regarding the Heng_bed parameter, the values are similar between both regions, from 23 m to 850 m for the Peninsular and from 42 m to 926 m for the Mexicali Valley. Additionally, from the VS30 values, we propose the site classification according to the U.S. National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).
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