Research subject. The southeastern part of the East European Platform and the Caspian oil and gas basin.Aim. The analysis of the structural and evolutional changes of the tectonic structure of the southeastern part of the East European Platform from the Late Precambrian to the Cenozoic and revealing the cause of the occurrence of a large oil and gas basin in the Cis-Caspian depression.Materials and Methods. Geological interpretation of seismic profiling data, shown in geophysical fields and reflecting horizons. Areal distribution of rock complexes of different ages according to drilling data.Results. The history of the southeastern part of the East European Platform is divided into a number of stages. At the end of the Middle Riphean – the first half of the Late Riphean, the Epigrenville supercontinent Rodinia arose (about 1000 million years). The Baltic continent became part of the Rodinia supercontinent. At the end of the Late Riphean – Early Vendian, the Central Russian and Moscow aulacogens emerged, fixing the beginning of the collapse of the Rodinia supercontinent, Cadomian orogeny, and the attachment of Scythia. The Cis-Caspian area turned into a trough, which received a large amount of detrital material from the Cadomian orogen.Conclusion. The analysis of the tectonic structural changes during the Late Precambrian up to the Cenozoic demonstrated drastic evolution of its structure from a deepsea basin with thin crust to a shallow salt basin. These changes did not occur gradually, but over the course of 9 stages of major structural changes. The ninth stage created the conditions for the emergence of a large oil and gas province in the Caspian region.
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