ABSTRACT The following molecules graded in size were added to the fluid bathing the blind end of the upper segment of the Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius: urea (U), erythritol (E), mannitol (M), L-glucose (G), sucrose (S), polyethyleneglycol 800 (PEG), raffinose (R), inulin (I) and dextran 15 000–18 000 (D). U, E, M and G distribute themselves within the cell and the extracellular space, while S, PEG, R, I and D are exclusively extracellular. In addition, the net secretory flow of these probes was studied as a function of the net secretory volume flow (Jv). , is made up of a diffusive component , mainly due to unstirred layer effects, and of a convective component , due to the drag (entrainment) of the probes by the water flow. The relative contribution of and of for each probe was studied as a function of Jv. It was found that for U, E, M, G, S and PEG. Therefore these probes are dragged by water. On the other hand for R, I and D, which are not entrained. It is concluded that water flows via extracellular pathways since S and PEG, which are true extracellular probes, are entrained by solvent. In addition to extracellular pathways, it is suggested that the transcellular structures described by Wessing (1965) and Bergeron et al. (1985) could also be the sites of solute-solvent coupling.
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