AbstractThe apparent second-order rate constants (aks) of the reaction between the O2−• radical and mixed solutions (aAox) of caffeic acid (CA) and 4-hydroxy-coumaric acid (4CA) were estimated in this study; this was achieved by a flow-injection spin-trapping ESR (FI-ESR) method that employed 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as the spin-trapping reagent. The aAox solutions were prepared by varying the mixing molar ratio of CA (a = [CA]/([CA] + [4CA])). The FI-ESR signal intensities of the DMPO spin-adduct of the O2−• radical (DMPO/O2) were monitored in the absence (I0) and presence (I) of aAox to estimate the inhibition ratio Y (%) (Y = 100 × I/I0), and 50% inhibitory dose of aAox (aID50). Further, the aks values of aAox were evaluated using these aID50 values through a competitive reaction kinetics treatment, which was conducted by using the second-order rate constant of the spin-trapping reaction (k1). The value obtained for the aks of aAox showed excellent agreement with the calculated values (akscal) that were estimated from the molar ratio (a) weighted mean of the ks values of CA (CAks) and 4CA (4CAks): akscal = aCAks + (1 − a)4CAks. These results demonstrate that CA and 4CA contribute independently to the O2−• radical scavenging reactions, and that the aks values of aAox completely satisfy the additive property depending on the mixing molar ratio (a). The O2−• radical scavenging capacities of aAox were also evaluated as equivalent concentrations of CA (Y[CA]eq.) using the observed inhibition ratio Y (%), and the 50% inhibitory dose of CA (CAID50): Y[CA]eq. = CAID50 × (100 − Y)/Y. The estimated Y[CA]eq. values of aAox agreed with the calculated equivalent concentrations of CA (k[CA]eq.) that were obtained on the basis of the additive property established for aAox and aks: k[CA]eq. = [CA] + (4CAks/CAks) × [4CA].
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