In this work, we study the optimal control problem of a coupled reaction-diffusion system, which is a monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology with pointwise bilateral control and state constraints. We adopt the Moreau-Yosida regularization as a penalization technique to deal with the state constraints. The regularized problem’s first-order optimality condition is derived. In addition, sufficient second-order optimality condition is derived for the regularized problem using the virtual control concept by proving equivalence between Moreau-Yosida regularization and the virtual control concept. The convergence of optimal controls of the regularized problems to the optimal control of the original problem is proved. Moreover, the semi-smooth Newton method for numerically finding the optimal solution to the regularization problem is presented. Finally, numerical experiments are conducted, and the results allow us to understand the extinction of the wave excitation in cardiac defibrillation in the presence of both control and state constraints.