Nearly 20 years have now passed since Seasat briefly sampled the ocean surface with its suite of then extraordinarily advanced active microwave instruments. The tantalizing 3‐month snapshots from Seasat's altimeter and scatterometer were analyzed and reanalyzed and used to justify follow‐on missions that were finally implemented within the last decade, including the ERS missions, TOPEX/POSEIDON, NSCAT, and Geosat.The third active microwave instrument carried on Seasat, the synthetic aperture radar (SAR), has had more of a mixed success in its contribution to physical oceanography, despite its being flown on four satellites since 1991, the European Space Agency's ERS‐I and ERS‐2, the Japanese Space Agency's JERS‐I, and Canada's RADARSAT. The recent special issue on oceanographic results from ERS‐I and ERS‐2 (special section on Advances in Oceanography and Sea Ice Research Using ERS Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C4), 1998) has numerous papers that incorporate SAR for both ocean and polar sea ice research. The finescale twodimensional view of the ocean surface seen in SAR imagery provides unparalleled detail of the short wave field and its interactions with longer waves and currents. However, the detailed view comes at an expense. Using the imagery for oceanographic applications has required the unraveling of the data's often baffling signatures, arising not only from the complicated wave‐wave and wave‐current interactions but also from the varying local wind field. Once understood, these signatures provide new and unique oceanographic and atmospheric information at higher spatial resolution than is available in the other microwave instruments. One approach to untangle this challenging interaction of ocean and radar physics is to look at the ocean surface simultaneously with multiple radar frequencies and polarizations. Most commonly, this is done with aircraft and surface‐based instrumentation. This suite of multiple channels provides a more complete understanding of the radar scattering from the ocean surface, since it is scale‐dependent, which can then lead to improved understanding of the ocean physics.
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