Untreated latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a major source of active tuberculosis disease in the United States. In 2016, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended that screening for latent tuberculosis infection among individuals at increased risk be performed as routine preventive care. Traditionally, LTBI management-including both testing and treatment-has been conducted by specialists in the United States. It is believed that knowledge gaps among primary care team members and discomfort with LTBI treatment are significant barriers to LTBI management being conducted in primary care. This qualitative study sought to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of primary care team members regarding the LTBI care cascade, and to identify each stepwise barrier limiting primary care teams in following the USPSTF recommendations. We conducted 24 key informant interviews with primary care providers and nurses in Rhode Island. Our results demonstrate that overall, few primary care providers and nurses felt comfortable with LTBI management, and their confidence and comfort decreased throughout the cascade. Participants felt least confident with LTBI treatment and held misconceptions about LTBI testing, such as high cost. Although participants were not confident about LTBI treatment, most were enthusiastic about treating patients if provided additional training. Participants suggested that their lack of knowledge regarding LTBI treatment led to high rates of referral to specialist providers. The gaps revealed in this study can inform training curricula for primary care team members in Rhode Island and nationally to shift the USPSTF policy into practice, and, ultimately, contribute to TB elimination in the United States.
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