This paper analyzes the results of the scour calculations around the group of piers of a bridge through two-dimensional modelling using the Iber software. The case under study is that of the Andrés Avelin o Cáceres Bridge, located in the Piura region, Peru, which has an approximate free span of 120 meters and has 10 pillars equally distributed on two decks. Currently, the referred bridge has pillars of rectangular section with narrowing towards the base, this type of geometry was considered as the first scenario for scour calculations; the pillars with the collars installed are part of the second scenario under study. Based on geotechnical, hydrological and hydraulic studies of the area, two-dimensional numerical modeling has been developed for each scenario in order to obtain the depths of scour. The following results were obtained: The installation of collars in the second scenario achieved a reduction of the scour depth by 29.51% on average, the observed reduction range was from 15.73% to 43.77%.
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