Abstract. Introduction. The statute is assigned to the development of a tourist-hotel administration in public territories of the Pivdnya of Ukraine. The processes of development are developed to improve business culture and community hospitality, improve tourist infrastructure, implement programs, projects, concepts and concepts. Purpose. The purpose of the article is scientific and theoretical substantiation and creation of preconditions for the development of tourism and hotel business in the united territorial communities of the Southern region of Ukraine. The solution of the set goal in the article was carried out from the standpoint using management methods. Results. The results of our study reflect the positive processes taking place in the united territorial communities. From all the above, we see that in the process of development of tourism and hotel business communities is a powerful set of measures to create the conditions and a solid basis for creating a favorable business climate, the development of tourism and hotel business, there are advisory and consultative bodies, work with international experts on providing expert recommendations is constantly carried out, concepts, projects, programs are developed and implemented taking into account: historical, geographical, natural,economic factors. It is also necessary to systematically analyze the ongoing processes, identify threats and most effectively realize the resource potential of the combined territorial communities, to unite the efforts of public authorities and local governments, representatives of the tourism business and other sectors of the economy and civil society institutions to promote Ukraine in the world and form the image of Ukraine in terms of European integration. Conclusions. In the minds of reforms and decentralization, there are significant positive processes of a comprehensive approach for the development of friendly minds for the growth of a business climate and development of a hotel-hotel industry, as our research is based on. Bodies mіstsevy samovryaduvannya postіyno potrіbno rozroblyatite the udoskonalyuvati strategy rozvitka of Tourism and gotelnoe pіdpriєmnitstvo, bezpererven spіvpratsyuvati of broad stake BIZNES partner vrahovuyuchi nayavnego turistichnogo potentsіal ob'єdnany teritorіalnie bulk Pіvdennogo Regіona Ukraine vrahovuyuchi: іstorichnі, geografіchnі, prirodnі, ekonomіchnі chinniki. Confirmation of national legislation in Umovy of the European Integration, prior to the implementation and implementation of strategies by strategic documents, the development of the state is the main priority and the basis of development of tourism and hotel provision.
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