Thyroid adenoma-associated (THADA) fusions are being identified more frequently with increased preoperative molecular testing on indeterminate thyroid fine-needle aspirates (FNA). However, data on cytomorphologic features of THADA-fusion thyroid lesions are limited. We examined cytomorphologic features of a THADA-fusion thyroid FNA cohort with clinical, radiologic, and histologic data. Our THADA fusion FNA cohort included 11 specimens from 11 patients with a mean age and F:M ratio of 56.5 years and 2.7:1, respectively. Ten cases had FNA slides available for review and five cases had histopathology. Air-dried Diff-Quik and alcohol-fixed Papanicolaou smears, and formalin-fixed cell blocks were reviewed and findings were correlated with the matched resection, when available. Clinical and radiologic data were obtained from the medical record. THADA fusion thyroid lesions were hypoechoic or isoechoic (80%), solid (80%) with well-demarcated margins (100%) on ultrasound. Notable cytomorphologic features include crowded or prominent microfollicular groups (100%), scant colloid (91%), and mild nuclear atypia with nuclear grooves (100%), insignificant nuclear pleomorphism (100%), and without intranuclear pseudoinclusions (100%). All cases were classified as either atypia of undetermined significance (91%) or suspicious for follicular neoplasm (9%). Five resected cases were all low-risk lesions (benign and malignant) with no evidence of recurrence in the limited available follow-up. THADA-fusion thyroid FNAs show a crowded or prominent microfollicular pattern with mild nuclear atypia and without intranuclear pseudoinclusions, which overlaps with the cytomorphology of other RAS-like thyroid lesions. In our cohort, resected THADA lesions were low risk on histologic analysis.
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