The types of procedure in which this tape was used are given in Table 1. Incisions of the scalp were closed with a row of interrupted 3-0 silk stitches in the galea aponeurotica and tapes were applied to bring the margins of the scalp in apposition. Incisions of the neck and back were approximated with a row of interrupted 3-0 or 4-0 silk subcutaneous sutures and tapes were applied to the skin. The margins of the skin or scalp were dried with a sponge before the application of the tapes. Routine dry surgical dressings were laid directly over the tapes. The incisions were inspected oll the 3rd postoperative day and the tapes were removed on the 5th or 7th day depending on the site of the incision. The wounds were inspected immediately before and after the removal of the tapes, and photographs were taken (Fig. 1). Late observations were made some months postoperatively.