Extracting temporal regularities and relations from experience/observation is critical for organisms' adaptiveness (communication, foraging, predation, prediction) in their ecological niches. Therefore, it is not surprising that the internal clock that enables the perception of seconds-to-minutes-long intervals (interval timing) is evolutionarily well-preserved across many species of animals. This comparative claim is primarily supported by the fact that the timing behavior of many vertebrates exhibits common statistical signatures (e.g., on-average accuracy, scalar variability, positive skew). These ubiquitous statistical features of timing behaviors serve as empirical benchmarks for modelers in their efforts to unravel the processing dynamics of the internal clock (namely answering how internal clock "ticks"). In this chapter, we introduce prominent (neuro)computational approaches to modeling interval timing at a level that can be understood by general audience. These models include Treisman's pacemaker accumulator model, the information processing variant of scalar expectancy theory, the striatal beat frequency model, behavioral expectancy theory, the learning to time model, the time-adaptive opponent Poisson drift-diffusion model, time cell models, and neural trajectory models. Crucially, we discuss these models within an overarching conceptual framework that categorizes different models as threshold vs. clock-adaptive models and as dedicated clock/ramping vs. emergent time/population code models.
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