Teleparallel description of gravity theories where the gravity is mediated through the tetrad field and consequent torsion provide an alternative route to explain the late time cosmic speed up issue. Generalisation of the teleparallel gravity theory with different functional forms of the torsion scalar T leads to f(T) gravity. The role of scalar field played in addressing issues in cosmology and astrophysics has developed an interest in the inclusion of a scalar field along with an interaction potential in the action. Such a generalised gravity theory is dubbed as f(T,ϕ) theory. We have explored such a gravity theory to reconstruct the interaction potential of the scalar field required for an extended matter bounce scenario. The cosmological implications of the reconstructed scalar field potential are studied considering two viable and well known functional forms of f(T,ϕ). The energy conditions of these model are discussed to assess the viability of the cosmological models.
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