We consider tensors T = fg on the unit sphere S, where n > 3, g is the standard metric and f is a differentiable function on Sn. For such tensors, we consider the problems of existence of a Riemannian metric 9, conformal to g, such that Ric g = T, and the existence of such a metric that satisfies Ric g - Kg/2 = T, where K is the scalar curvature of g. We find the restrictions on the Ricci candidate for solvability, and we construct the solutions g when they exist. We show that these metrics are unique up to homothety, and we characterize those defined on the whole sphere. As a consequence of these results, we determine the tensors T that are rotationally symmetric. Moreover, we obtain the well-known result that a tensor T = αg, a > 0, has no solution g on S n if α ¬= n - 1 and only metrics homothetic to g admit (n - 1)g as a Ricci tensor. We also show that if α ¬= -(n-1)(n-2)/2, then equation Ric g - Kg/2 = αg has no solution g, conformal to g on S n , and only metrics homothetic to g are solutions to this equation when a = - (n - 1)(n - 2)/2. Infinitely many C∞ solutions, globally defined on S n , are obtained for the equation -φΔ g φ + n 2|⊇ g φ| 2 -n 2(λ+φ 2 )=0, where λ ∈ R. The geometric interpretation of these solutions is given in terms of existence of complete metrics, globally defined on R n and conformal to the Euclidean metric, for certain bounded scalar curvature functions that vanish at infinity.