The scaling barriers currently faced by both quantum networking and quantum computing technologies ultimately amount to the same core challenge of distributing high-quality entanglement at scale. In this Perspective, a novel quantum information-processing architecture based on optically active spins in silicon is proposed that offers a combined single technological platform for scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing and networking. The architecture is optimized for overall entanglement distribution and leverages color-center spins in silicon (T centers) for their manufacturability, photonic interface, and high-fidelity information-processing properties. Silicon nanophotonic optical circuits allow for photonic links between T centers, which are networked via telecom-band optical photons in a highly connected graph. This high connectivity unlocks the use of low-overhead quantum error-correcting codes, significantly accelerating the time line for modular scalable fault-tolerant quantum repeaters and quantum processors. Published by the American Physical Society 2024