The method used in these experiments of estimating the blood sugar was a modification of that of Lewis and Benedict,<sup>1</sup>and very similar to that of Epstein.<sup>2</sup> <h3>TECHNIC</h3> Eight-tenths cubic centimeter of a 0.2 per cent, solution of sodium fluorid is placed in a small test tube. To this is added 0.2 c.c. of blood obtained with a capillary pipet from a finger prick; 1.5 c.c. of a saturated picric acid solution is then added drop by drop and well shaken. If the picric acid is not added at once glycolysis takes place so the percentage is too low. We had to throw out one series of experiments before we discovered that this was the difficulty. The mixture is then placed in a centrifuge tube, and centrifuged for two minutes. One cubic centimeter of the filtrate is then placed in a small Jena test tube to which
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