Mobile learning (M-learning) has become a crucial tool for both students and educators. The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), the technology acceptance model (TAM), and outside factors were all included in this study's integrative review approach to examine the variables affecting university students' intention to use M-learning and mobile effectiveness. A study at King Faisal University examined the viewpoints of 364 undergraduate and graduate students using a random sampling technique to have better understand the impact of such technological innovation on teaching. Participants in the study were invited to complete a survey created expressly for this study in order to find out if they would still be open to using M-learning to advance the cause of sustainable education. The paradigm of the study was evaluated using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach and was based on the UTAUT and TAM technology adoption models. The findings demonstrated that each element of the research model had a positive influence on learners' behavioral intention to use M-learning (BIM); it also demonstrated the impact of that intention on long-term educational sustainability. The link between independent characteristics and users' enjoyment and adoption of M-learning is moderated by mobile usability and behavioral control to utilize M-learning. The results also showed that BIM and the utility of mobile devices increased the degree to which M-learning is liked. Mobile usability and BIM both favorably affect sustainable education in terms of user satisfaction and M-learning adaptation. These findings suggest that mobile usability and behavioral intention to utilize M-learning are the main factors influencing the adoption of M-learning in Saudi Arabia's higher education.
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