Functional Ecology 1994 TECHNICAL REPO RT Three methods for monitoring the gas exchange of individual tree canopies: ventilated-chamber, sap-flow and Penman-Monteith measurements on evergreen oaks M. L. GOULDEN*H and C . B. FIELDt *Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University and tcarnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology, Stanford, California 94305, USA Summary I. Physiological methods applicable to scales between individual leaves and whole forests have the potential to improve substantially our understanding of ecosystem gas exchange. 2. We compared three approaches for determining the canopy gas exchange of individuals representing a pair of mediterranean-climate oak species. 3. We estimated transpiration from the Penman-Monteith equation, measured sap flow with heat-balance sensors, and also measured net C0 2 assimilation, transpir- ation and conductance with a whole-canopy gas-exchange system. 4. Simultaneously measured sap flow and chamber transpiration were qualitatively similar, provided that the sensors were designed to compensate for thermal gradients along the tree trunk. Both in situ and bench-top measurements indicated that the quantitative relationship beween transpiration and the signal from the sap-flow sensor varied among stems. The sap flow of individual trees measured on consecutive days with the tree in the chamber 1 day, and out the next, was similar, indicating that enclosure had only a small impact on transpiration. Total daily sap flow, which was similar during atmospherically moist period to the Penman- Monteith transpiration calculated assuming a fixed stomata! conductance, became almost insensitive to further increases in evaporative demand during hot and dry intervals. S. While the application of each approach is limited by experimental considerations, these shortcomings may be overcome by using the techniques in combination. Key-words: Conductance, evaporation, Quercus agrifolia , Quercus durata, transpiration Fu11ctio11al Ecology (1994) 8, 125-135 Introduction Researchers need a better understanding of the role plants play in controlling the flux of water vapour and carbon dioxide between forests and the atmosphere (Jarvis & McNaughton 1986; Committee on Global Change 1990). Achieving this understanding will require an interdisciplinary effort to link leaf-level physiology with canopy measurements based on micrometerological techniques. One possible strategy is to scale gas exchange directly from the leaf to the canopy, bypassing explicit consideration of :j: Present address: Dr M. L. Goulden, Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. processes that occur at the whole-plant level (Baldoc- chi, Luxmoore & Hatfield 1991; Baldocchi 1993). While this approach holds promise, it precludes the possibility of drawing upon a body of theory, derived from community (Tilman 1988) and evolutionary (Bloom, Chapin & Mooney 1985) studies, that is based on the response of the individual to the environment. In contrast, approaches that explicitly consider whole-plant processes have the potential to explore the consequences of plant-to-plant variation in physiological characteristics and access to resources, as well as capitalize on possible simplifi- cations resulting from physiological integration at the level of the individual. Unfortunately, past progress in this direction has been limited by the unavailability
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