Shallow cores and high-resolution seismic reflection data collected from two areas along the Hebrides Slope indicate that a variety of depositional processes have been active since the last Glacial interval. Seismic reflection profiles from the most northerly slope area, immediately south of the Wyville-Thomson Ridge, reveal a slope apron and an embayed area with a relict mid-upper slope channel. Five cores from this locality consist of distal muddy turbidites in the area of the channel, with muddy contourites interbedded with glaciomarine ice-rafted sediments and thin debris flow deposits. Most of the cores are topped by sandy contourites. The preserved sequence suggests that lowered sea-levels during the last glaciation (> 10 ka) resulted in a predominance of downslope and glaciomarine sedimentation, with bottom-current activity greatly suppressed. At the onset of deglaciation, alongslope activity increased as bottom currents gained in strength, with climatic fluctuation and the retreat of ice-sheets from the shelf, producing muddy and sandy contourites. Present-day current activity is still much in evidence with two current-meter stations on the mid and lower slope recording a northward-flowing current following the bathymetric contours. Recorded peak velocities at 468 m and 403 m were 26–48 cm/s. Some elements of reverse flow at the deeper site may be tidal oscillation compounded by short-duration high-intensity benthic storms. Cores from the more southerly area, in the vicinity of the Geikie Escarpment, penetrated hemipelagites erosively overlain by sandy contourites. Dinoflagellate and nannofossil dating of these deposits indicate that the lower hemipelagites are of late Glacial age (> 13 ka). The sandy contourites are probably of early Holocene age. The lack of the Allerød-Bølling interstadial and Younger Dryas stadial may be indicative of a hiatus in sedimentation. A possible cause of this may be the increasing slope angles (up to 28° on the escarpment), concentrating the effects of a thermohaline slope current. Current flow was also strengthened during deglaciation, producing erosion or non-deposition of the lower units leaving the coarser “top only” sandy contourites.