The main aim of this article is to locate the religious implication of woman-to-woman marriage as a way of offspring continuity among the Abagusii people of Kenya in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Attempts have been made to trace the changing trends of the said traditions. Woman to woman marriages among the Abagusii people in Kenya to modern people is viewed as un-African and a western thing. They forget that it has been there in African for many years. In most African societies, sexuality is perceived as being exclusively heterosexual anything of a woman and a woman marriage is not recognized. As a result, homosexuality in Africa is not adequately researched or spoken about. However, several studies have reported on same-sex intimate relationships and same-sex marriages within African societies. The purpose of this article is to discuss the views and the practices of same-sex marriages among the Abagusii people of Kenya. The study sampled elderly and resourceful local men and women through; stratified, purposive and snowballing techniques. The researcher requested the local chief, sub-chief or village elder to identify elderly respondents in their area of jurisdiction who were born in 1940s and1950s. The article reviewed related literature on marriage in general and those mentioning woman to woman marriage, a brief discussion and interactive from data collected was discussed and the conclusion was given and the way forward.
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