We have elsewhere reported that blockade of the reticulo-endothelial system with India ink or saccharated iron oxide does not materially modify anaphylactic shock in the dog. In the preceding paper we have shown that the hyperbilirubinemia resulting from injections of bilirubin leads to a retention of bromsulphalein. Klein and Levinson1 and more recently Mills and Dragstedt2 have reported studies indicating that reticulo-endothelial blockade causes a retention of bromsulphalein. Interpreting the dye retention from a hyperbilirubinemia as a form of physiological blockade of the reticulo-endothelial system it seemed worth while to repeat our anaphylactic studies on jaundiced animals. Theoretically at least, the blockade occurring in dogs with obstructive jaundice should be more complete than that produced with foreign materials as it is constant and progressive.Anaphylactic shock was induced in 8 horse serum sensitized dogs in which the common bile duct had been obstructed. In one animal the obstruction pre...
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