This paper proposes the universal information technology for designing the rule bases (RB) with the formation of optimal consequents for fuzzy systems (FS) of different types on the basis of ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. The developed ACO-based information technology allows effectively synthesizing rule bases of various dimensions both for the MISO and MIMO fuzzy systems taking into account the particular features of the RB consequents formation in the conditions of insufficient initial information. In order to study and validate the efficiency of the presented information technology the design of the RB for the adaptive fuzzy control system of the ship steering device is carried out in this work. The computer simulations results show that adaptive control system with developed RB provides achievement of high enough quality indicators of rudder angle control. Thus, application of the proposed ACO-based information technology allows designing effective RB with optimal consequents by means of minor computational costs that, in turn, confirms its high efficiency.