Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tongmyong University(Received January 29, 2016; Revised March 17, 2016; Accepted March 17, 2016)Abstract − Recently, a double-side machining process has been adopted in fabricating a sapphire glass toenhance the manufacturability. Double-side lap grinding (DLG) is one of the emerging processes that can reduceprocess steps in the fabrication of sapphire glasses. The DLG process uses two-body abrasion with fixed abra-sives including pallet. This process is designed to have a low pressure and high rotational speed in order to obtainthe required material removal rate. Thus, the temperature is distributed on the DLG platen during the process.This distribution affects the shape of the substrate after the DLG process. The coolant that is supplied into thecooling channel carved in the base platen can help to control the temperature distribution of the DLG platen. Thispaper presents the results of computational fluid dynamics with regard to the heat transfer in a DLG platen, whichcan be used for fabricating a sapphire glass. The simulation conditions were 200 rpm of rotational speed, 50°Cof frictional temperature on the pallet, and 20°C of coolant temperature. The five cases of the coolant flow rate(20~36 l/min) were simulated with a tetrahedral mesh and prism mesh. The simulation results show that thecapacity of the generated cooling system can be used for newly developed DLG machines. Moreover, the sim-ulation results may provide a process parameter influencing the uniformity of the sapphire glass in the DLG pro-cess.Keywords − double-side lap grinding (양면 랩그라인딩), sapphire glass (사파이어 글라스), heat transfer(열전달), temperature distribution (온도분포)