In communication networks, the most significant impediment to reliable communication between end users is the congestion of packets. Many approaches have been tried to resolve the congestion problem. In this regard, we have proposed a routing algorithm with chaotic neurodynamics. By using a refractory effect, which is the most important effect of chaotic neurons, the routing algorithm shows better performance than the shortest path approach. In addition, we have further improved the routing algorithm by combining information of the shortest paths and the waiting times at adjacent nodes. We confirm that the routing algorithm using chaotic neurodynamics is the most effective approach to alleviate congestion of packets in a communication network. In previous works, the chaotic routing algorithm has been evaluated for ideal communication networks in which every node has the same transmission capability for routing the packets and the same buffer size for storing the packets. To check whether the chaotic routing algorithm is practically applicable, it is important to evaluate its performance under realistic conditions. In 2007, M. Hu et al. proposed a practicable communication network in which the largest storage capacity and processing capability were introduced. New-man et al. proposed scale-free networks with community structures; these networks effectively extract communities from the real complex network using the shortest path betweenness. In addition, the scale-free networks have common structures in real complex networks such as collaboration networks or communication networks. Thus, in this paper, we evaluate the chaotic routing algorithm for communication networks to which realistic conditions are introduced. Owing to the effective alleviation of packets, the proposed routing algorithm shows a higher arrival rate of packets than the conventional routing algorithms. Further, we confirmed that the chaotic routing algorithm can possibly be applied to real communication networks.
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