This simulation study investigated the feasibility of generating Patlak Ki images using a dual time point (DTP-Ki) scan protocol involving two 3-min/bed routine static PET scans and, subsequently, assessed DTP-Ki performance for an optimal DTP scan time frame combination, against conventional Patlak Ki estimated from complete 0-93min dynamic PET data. Six realistic heterogeneous tumors of different characteristic spatiotemporal [18F]FDG uptake distributions for three noise levels commonly found in clinical studies and 20 noise realizations (N=360 samples) were produced by analytic simulations of the XCAT phantom. Subsequently, DTP-Ki images were generated by performing standard linear indirect Patlak analysis with t* -min (Patlakt* = 12) using a scaled population-based input function (sPBIF) model on 66 combinations of early and late 3-min/bed static whole-body PET reconstructed images. All DTP-Ki images were evaluated against respective DTP-Ki images estimated with Patlakt* = 12 and 0-93min individual input functions (iIFs) and against gold standard Ki images estimated with Patlakt* = 12, 0-93min iIFs and tissue time activity curves from all reconstructed WB passes 12-93min post injection. The optimal combination of early and late frames, in terms of attaining the highest correlation between DTP-Ki with sPBIF and gold standard Ki was also determined from a set of 66 different combinations of 2-min early and late frames. Moreover, the performance of DTP-Ki with sPBIF was compared against that of the retention index (RI) in terms of their correlation to the gold standard Ki. Finally, the feasibility and practicality of DTP protocol in the clinic were assessed through the analysis of nine patients. High correlations(>0.9) were observed between DTP-Ki values from sPBIF and those from iIFs for all evaluated DTP protocols while the mean AUC difference between sPBIF and iIFs was less than 10%. The percentage difference of mean values between DTP-Ki from sPBIF and from iIFs was less than 1%. DTP Ki from sPBIF exhibited significantly higher correlation with gold standard Ki, in contrast to RI, across all 66 DTP protocols (p<0.05 using the two-tailed t-test by Williams) with the highest correlation attained for the 50-53-min early + 90-93-min late scan time frames (optimal DTP protocol). Feasibility of generating Patlak Ki [18F] FDG images from an early and a late post injection 3-min/bed routine static scan using a population-based input function model was demonstrated and an optimal DTP scan protocol was determined. The results indicated high correlations between DTP-Ki and gold-standard Ki images that are significantly larger than those between RI and gold-standard Ki.
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