Aim: Our aim is to visualize, capture and publish pictures of our observation, of anatomical variations in the shapes of round window niche and explain their characteristic features commonly observed and also calculate the percentage of existence of each anatomical variant. As advancement of endoscopy facilitat Material and Methods: es visualization of every loop and corner of middle ear, we pictured 100 round window niches during performing endoscopic otological surgeries in our institute, Maharajah's institute of medical sciences, Nellimarla. we have observed Round window niche shapes and calculated the Results: percentage of their existence which showed Rectangular shape (30%), Square (20%), Triangular (15%), Oval (15%), Semicircular (12%), Round (5%), Trapezoid (3%)and explained their characteristics, though we could not nd some “literature explained” shapes, which could be very rare or difcult to identify. Conclusion: After BRUCE PROCTOR M.D. has studied and classied different sizes and shapes of round window niche, nowhere in literature these shapes were captured and shown. Here we have attempted shown high-denition endoscopic pictures where every detail of their characteristics can be appreciated.