Background: Rotavirus infection is a leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in children under five, contributing significantly to morbidity and mortality worldwide. This study aims to find out impact and effectiveness of Rotavirus vaccine (RV5) among 2 months to 5 years old children with acute gastroenteritis including Dysentery. Methods: This is a Prospective Observational study to find out impact and assessment of ROTAVIRUS VACCINE (RV5) among 2 months to 5 years old children admitted with Acute gastroenteritis including Dysentery in a hospital-based setting in Department of Paediatrics, Government medical college between October 2023 to October 2024. Vaccination information collected from Mamta card / Vaccination card. Results: In this study, we compared the severity of AGE based on dehydration among patient who received complete series of Rotavirus vaccine (RV5) and those who not taken the complete dose followed by χ²=9.84 and p value= 0.007 which is statically significant, which indicate that persons who have taken the complete set of rotavirus vaccine has significant decreases in AGE severity than those who have not taken complete dose of Rotavirus vaccine. AGE with no dehydration is observed more in those who had taken complete dose of vaccine and also AGE with severe dehydration is less in those who had taken complete dose of vaccine. Conclusions: Children who have taken all doses of rotavirus vaccine (RV5) has duration of hospital stay and duration of vomiting and duration of diarrhoea is less compared to those who have not taken complete doses of Rotavirus Vaccine.
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