The foundation for a coordinate-free theory of the poles of a linear dynamical system was laid in 1965 by the module-theoretic work of Kalman. However, although the theoretical and application importance of transfer function zeros for feedback system design was widely known for single input, single output systems by 1955, it remained for Rosenbrock in 1970 to propose the ideas of transmission zeros, input-decoupling zeros, and output-decoupling zeros for multi-input, multi-output systems, by means of matrix theoretic methods. A coordinate-free, module-theoretic treatment of transmission zeros for a multi-input, mufti-output transfer function was given in 1981 by Wyman and Sain. This paper extends these coordinate-free, module-theoretic studies to include systems which need not be controllable or observable. Interpretation of the Rosenbrock system matrix is given on three levels: rational, finitely generated free-modular, and torsion divisible. On the second level, an $\Omega $-Zero Module$Z_\Omega $ is defined and imbedded in a short exact sequence showing that the input-decoupling zero module is contained as a factor module in $Z_\Omega $. On the third level, a $\Gamma $-Zero Module$Z_\Gamma $ is defined and imbedded in a short exact sequence showing that the output-decoupling zero module is contained as a submodule in $Z_\Gamma $. Both structures are studied further in regard to transmission zero module information with emphasis on lumped zeros, and the cases of right and left invertible transfer functions are given in detail. Not surprisingly, these investigations can support considerable fine detail, which is in accord with the widely held belief that questions on the nature of multivariable zeros must be broadly based.
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