The mammalian immune system is a subject of great research interest because of its powerful information processing capabilities, namely, adaptivity. The adaptivity of the immune system is characterized by mainly two aspects, responsibility and diversity. The responsibility is a result of the response network of the immune system and the diversity is arise from gene rearrengement of the immune system. Recentry many artificial immune algorithms were devised by inspiring the adaptivity of the immune system. In terms of the two aspects of the immune system, however, those artificial immune algorithms only utilize the responsibility using models of response and regulation networks in the immune system. This paper proposes a new scheme of artificial immune algorithm, called Rearrangement Immune Algorithm (RIA), in which the rearrengement of the immune system is utilized combining evolution of the gelmline with an optimization of genetic algorithms. We empirically shows the effectiveness of our new scheme, RIA, with applying the Rosenbrock function and an HP folding problem.
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