Indonesia is currently facing various challenges in meeting its national energy needs. About 60% of the country's electricity production depends on coal, making it crucial to reduce this dependence to achieve energy balance, enhance energy resilience, and develop environmentally friendly renewable energy sources. In this study, the feasibility of investing in off grid solar rooftop systems is evaluated, considering technical performance, environmental impact, and economic aspects, including installation costs and potential energy savings. This research proves that the design and installation of the off grid rooftop solar power system function well, with a performance ratio (PR) value of 83.22%, indicating that the system meets the expected standards (above 70%). In addition, the off grid rooftop solar power system is capable of producing electricity with an average annual value of 5,572 kWh. This off grid rooftop solar power system contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions at the research site by 50,531 tons of CO2e in one year, in line with the research objectives related to environmental aspects. The off grid rooftop solar power system at the Ash Yard Office is a feasible and profitable investment due to the power cable connection from the Sumsel-8 coal-fired power plant and the use of 20kV medium voltage electricity from PLN. It has a Payback Period of 19 (nineteen) years, which indicates that the investment in the rooftop solar power system at the Ash Yard Office is still worth pursuing because the Payback Period is shorter than the project's lifespan.
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