Collateralization of cerebellar efferent projections to the oculomotor region, superior colliculus (SC), and medial pontine reticular formation (mPRF) was studied in rats using fluorescent tracer substances. In one group, True Blue (TB) was injected into the oculomotor complex (OMC), including certain paraoculomotor nuclei and supraoculomotor ventral periaqueductal gray (PAG), and Diamidino Yellow (DY) was injected into the medial pontine reticular formation (mPRF) or pontine raphe. The largest number of single-TB-labeled (paraoculomotor-projecting) cells was observed in the medial cerebellar nucleus (MCN) and posterior interposed nucleus (PIN), whereas the largest number of single-DY-labeled (mPRF-projecting) cells was in the MCN. Double-TB/DY-labeled cells were present in the caudal two-thirds of the MCN, suggesting that some MCN neurons send divergent axon collaterals to the paraoculomotor region and mPRF. In another group, TB was injected into the SC and DY into the mPRF. The largest number of single-TB-labeled (SC-projecting) cells was in the PIN, although a considerable number of cells was observed in the caudal MCN, and ventral lateral cerebellar nucleus (LCN). Single-DY-labeled (mPRF-projecting) neurons were primarily located in the central and ventral MCN, but were also present in the lateral anterior interposed (AIN) and in the LCN. Double-TB/DY-labeled neurons were observed in the caudal two-thirds of the MCN and in the central portion of the LCN. The most significant new findings of the study concerned the MCN, which not only contained neurons that projected independently to the paraoculomotor region, SC, and mPRF, but also contained a considerable number of cells which collateralized to project to more than one of these nuclei. The possibility that the MCN projects to the supraoculomotor ventral PAG (containing an oculomotor interneuron system) and to the mPRF, which in the cat and monkey contain neural elements essential to the production of saccadic eye movements, is discussed. The anatomical findings suggest that the MCN in the rat plays an important role in eye movement.
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