Entrepreneurial passion plays a critical role in entrepreneurial intention and behavior, which in turn promote innovation, new jobs, and economic development. However, research on the antecedents of entrepreneurial passion remains scarce. This study aimed to investigate the effects of environmental factors, including subjective norms and entrepreneurial education, on entrepreneurial passion; the roles of risk propensity and entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) were examined as well. Data were gathered from 919 business and technical students in Vietnam. Analysis was performed using partial least-squares structural equation modeling. The results showed that subjective norms had positive effects on entrepreneurial passion, and subjective norms and ESE mediated the effect of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial passion. Moreover, risk propensity moderated the effect of ESE on entrepreneurial passion. This study is among the first studies to uncover the direct effect of subjective norms on entrepreneurial passion, as well as the moderating effects of risk propensity on the relationship between ESE and entrepreneurial passion. We also revealed the mediating roles of subjective norms and ESE in the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial passion.