Many carnivores exhibit demographic and functional responses to changes in prey abundance. Demographic responses often include changes in population size, litter size, and recruitment of young into the adult population. Functional feeding responses are commonly reported for many carnivore species. We investigated demographic and functional responses of kit foxes ( Vulpes macrotis Merriam, 1888) to changes in prey abundance during 2010–2013 in western Utah, USA. Between 2010 and 2013, litter size averaged 3.9 (±1.4) pups/litter. Survival rates of kit fox pups were 0.07, 0.01, 0.46, and 0.16, respectively, and there was a correlation between pup survival rates and rodent abundance; leporid (family Leporidae Fischer, 1817) abundance did not influence pup survival. There was a functional response as occurrence of kangaroo rat in the diet closely followed changes in kangaroo rat abundance. The occurrence of rodents in kit fox diet followed declines in rodent abundance (excluding Dipodomys spp. Gray, 1841). Leporid consumption by kit foxes was not correlated to leporid density. Kit fox survival was dependent on rodent abundance and more specifically, kangaroo rats. Understanding which population parameters of kit foxes are influenced by prey is critical for the conservation of this native mesocarnivore.
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