Summary Some portraits recently found in Västerås. In the autumn of 1932 there was discovered on the loft of the Vâsterås Secondary School a considerable collection of pictures, about twenty in all. These pictures had for years past been in the possession of the Vâsterås College and School and had most probably been put away up on the loft as being worthless rubbish at the time when the new school building was completed in the 1850's. This collection, consisting almost entirely of the portraits of royalties, bishops and public bene‐factors, though varying considerably in artistic quality nevertheless includes some paintings of value both as a contribution to the history of art and from the biographical point of view. They comprise, inter alia, paintings of well‐known per‐sonalities of whom no portraits whatsoever had been known to exist before. Some of the more valuable are those of: 1) Bishop Johannes Rud‐beckius’ wife, Magdalena Hising, the painting dated 1643 and executed by a German‐Dutch artist; 2) the orientalist Joh. Gabriel Sparwenfeldt, Master of Ceremonies, painted in Rome in 1692 or 1693;3) Deputy Lord‐lieutenant Samuel Sernskjöld, donator of scholarships, painted by Olof Arenius; and 4) a citizen of Västeras famous as a topo‐grapher and genealogical writer, Abraham Abra‐hamson Hülphers in his younger days, a work that in its composition is reminiscent of Johan Henrik Scheffel, but which for certain. reasons may be presumed in all probability to have been executed by the above‐mentioned Olof Arenius. Both of these two latter portraits were manifestly created under the influence of the portraits painted by the then popular pastel artist Gustav Lundberg, and which reflected the spirit of the Rococo period.
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