ROBOTICS IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY During the past decade, laparoscopy, through a dramatic worldwide diffusion, has become the gold standard in the surgical treatment of several conditions. Currently, it is still spreading and gaining popularity in new fields of surgery. Nevertheless, the laparoscopic technique has shown peculiar disadvantages and limitations intrinsic to this approach. Unlike traditional open surgery, in laparoscopy, the action of the surgeon’s hand is mediated by rigid, unarticulated instruments, and the visual access is not direct, but is mediated by a camera. Obviously, these limitations reduce the laparoscopic surgeon’s possibilities and increase technical difficulty, operative times, and risk of complications. In an effort to improve surgical technique by avoiding some of the disadvantages of laparoscopy while maintaining the advantages brought by the miniinvasive approach (less postoperative pain, shorter hospital stay, and early return to normal activities, robotics have been introduced in surgery. Domains range from general to urologic, cardiac, and gynecologic surgery. A decade after the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in 1987, the first telesurgical laparoscopic cholecystectomy formally opened the robotic era in general surgery. Since then, the robotic approach has been used in several general surgery procedures, such as cholecystectomy, gastroesophageal surgery, obesity surgery, and adrenalectomy. But despite early encouraging results and recent spectacular applications, robotics have not yet witnessed wide, large-scale diffusion among general surgeons and are still considered “experimental approaches.” THE ROBOTIC SYSTEM To reduce the limitations of laparoscopic surgery, robotic systems have been designed to give endoscopic surgeons the same quality of information and manipulation as they have when performing open surgery. These designs include: instruments and manipulators with all degrees of freedom, devices that provide surgeons with tactile feedback, and improved visual access. Until now, two robotic systems have been extensively tested in surgery: the Zeus (Computer Motion) and the Da Vinci (Intuitive Surgical) systems. Although both have shown to be effective and both are clinically promising, it appears that the Da Vinci system allows for shorter operating times and steeper learning curves. No comparison between these operative systems has yet been reported in general surgery procedures. To our knowledge, only the Mona-Da Vinci system has been used for robot-assisted laparoscopic fundoplication. Our experience refers to both the Da Vinci system and its precursor, the Mona prototype. The Mona-Da Vinci system introduces several technologic innovations aimed at improving a surgeon’s operating skills (Table 1). The greatest innovations of this system are the articulated arms. Whereas in open surgery the flexibility of the wrist and the hands inside the abdomen permits fully free movements, in laparoscopy, the presence of rigid, unarticulated instruments entering the abdomen through fixed openings (trocar sites) limits the number of degrees of freedom. Additional articulations inside and outside the abdomen may help recover the degrees of freedom that have been lost and regain some dexterity of the surgeon’s hand in open surgery. The robot downscales a surgeon’s movements (by a 10:1, 5:1, or 3:1 factor) and eliminates the physiologic tremor, increasing the accuracy of the surgeon’s action. A threedimensional monitor allows the surgeon to obtain more accurate visual control of the instruments and better motion coordination. Finally, because the robot is composed of two units, the patient’s station and the surgeon’s station, united by No competing interests declared.
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