of PhD thesis Study of the roadside vegetation in the Walloon region (South Belgium) and in particular in the Upper Ardennes :phytosociology, ecology, pedology by Sandrine Godefroid Laboratoire de Botanique systematique et Phytosociologie, Universite libre de Bruxe/les, avenue Franklin Roosevelt 50, C.P. 169, B-1050 Bruxelles Key-words: roadvergesremnant semi-natural vegetationecological network -linear elementsArrhenatheriongrassland vegetation. Mots-des : bermes de routes vegetation semi-naturelle relictuelle reseau ecologique elements lineaires Arrhenatherionvegetation prairiale. The study of roadside vegetation in south Belgium was carried out with the help of 233 phytosociological releves scattered in 20 ecological sectors. The analysis has demonstrate that it was possible to appreciate the syntaxonomical position of the phytocoenosis by using the Braun-Blanquet system. The results have made conspicuous that roadside verges, as well communal, agricultural as motorways, are a refuge for precious relics of the ancestral vegetal landscape, which was fashioned by a rural population living in a subsistence economy and which characterised the rural landscape of south Belgium till the beginning of the 20th century. So, quite the contrary of a widespread idea, roadside phytocoenosis are not always characterised by the dominance of one or a small number of species without any distinct phytogeographic and syntaxonomic affinities. Our study has thus revealed a strong correlation between ecoand phytogeographic characteristics of a region and the differentiation and the sync horology of roadside vegetation. 26 syntaxa, corresponding to well known units of the Braun-Blanquet classification, have been identified and belong to the Mesobromion erecti (Braun-Blanquet & Moor 1938) Knapp 1942 ex Oberdorfer (1950) 1957, Xerobromion erecti (Braun-Blanquet & Moor 1938) Moravec in Holub et a/. 1967, Arrhenatherion elatioris W. Koch 1926, Polygono Trisetion jlavescentis Braun-Blanquet & Tiixen 1943 ex Marschall 1947 n. inv. Tiixen & Pre sing 1951, Molinion caeruleae W. Koch 1926, Lotio Potentillion anserinae R. Tiixen 1947, Agropyro Rumicion crispi Nordhagen 1940 em. R. Tiixen 1950, Thera -A irian R. Tiixen 1951, Call uno Genistion pilosae Duvigneaud 1944 and Aperion spicae-venti Tiixen in Oberdorfer 1949. D ow nl oa de d by [ 21 3. 12 9. 11 0. 38 ] at 0 8: 57 2 2 M ar ch 2 01 4