The objective of this study was to assess changes in drivers’ unsafe maneuvers after removal of a centerline barrier installed at a dual-quadrant gated highway–rail grade crossing to improve safety. Such barriers limit drivers’ ability to pass around closed dual-quadrant gates, thereby reducing the possibility of motor vehicle collisions with trains. Highway safety-related appurtenances installed as countermeasures are usually left in place for extended periods, and the effects of their removal are not well researched. The removal of a barrier installed along the road centerline at a highway–rail grade crossing in Nebraska provided the opportunity to investigate the accompanying changes in drivers’ violations. Analysis of data collected before and after removal of the barrier showed that unsafe driver maneuvers increased after removal of the barrier. Specifically, passing around dual-quadrant gates with an oncoming train and making U turns to drive away from the closed crossing increased. The conclusion is that barrier removal contributed to the increase in unsafe driver maneuvers at the studied highway–rail grade crossing. Although limited in scope, this study lends credibility to the practice of not removing an effective countermeasure once installed, though regular maintenance is a requisite for continued effectiveness.