We present a study of high-cadence, high-precision optical light curves from the TESS satellite of 67 blazars in the southern sky. We provide descriptive flux statistics, power spectral density (PSD) model parameters, and characteristic variability timescales. We find that only 15 BL Lacertae objects (BLLs) and 18 flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) from the initial 26 and 41, respectively, exhibit statistically significant variability. We employ an adapted power spectral response method to test the goodness of fit for the PSD function to three power-law variant models. From our best-fitting description of the PSD, we extract the high-frequency power-spectral slopes, and if present, determine the significant bend or break in the model to identify characteristic timescales. We find no significant difference in the excess variance or rms scatter between blazar subpopulations. We identify a linear rms–flux relation in ∼69% of our sample, in which ∼20% show a strong correlation. We find that both subpopulations of blazars show power spectral slopes of α ∼ 2 in which a broken power-law best fits five BLLs and six FSRQs and a bending power-law best fits one BLL and five FSRQs. The shortest timescales of variability in each light-curve range widely from minutes to weeks. Additionally, these objects’ characteristic timescales range from ∼0.8 to 8 days, consistent with optical variability originating in the jet.
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