Abstract Background/Aims People with Spondyloarthritis (SpA), especially those with psoriatic disease (PsD) [psoriasis (PsO) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA)], are at higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) due to increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and disease-specific factors such as duration/ severity of psoriasis. There is significant concern that both synthetic and biological DMARDs (including methotrexate) may worsen liver function in PsD patients with NAFLD. The Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) NAFLD pathway uses three screening tools (ELF, FIB-4 and fibroscanning) to identify those needing further investigation/ treatment by hepatology. However, the pathway is not validated in PsD. Our aim was to survey the prevalence of liver disease in our PsD population and explore the performance of our hepatology referral pathway. Methods We audited consecutive patients referred from the Leeds Specialist SpA service at LTHT with persistently abnormal ALT, whom the consultant Rheumatologist felt required Hepatology referral for suspected NAFLD. Data collected were: age, sex, BMI, history of diabetes, ALT, AST, platelets, albumin, hepatitis B and C, ELF score, FIB-4 score, fibroscan score, abdominal ultrasound, liver biopsy result and final hepatology diagnosis (NAFLD, fibrosis/cirrhosis or other). Results 72 patients were included; 84.2% had PsD (61/72), and 15.8% (11/62) had ‘Other’ forms of SpA (including axial spondyloarthritis, enteropathic arthritis, etc). Baseline characteristics, drug treatment and liver biochemistry/virology were similar between PsD and Other arthritis groups (Table 1) except for age which was lower in the Other. The average ELF scores were similar between PsD and Other, however FIB-4 scores were higher in PsD, and was associated with higher rates of fibrosis/cirrhosis (Table 1). FIB-4 >1.3, but not ELF>9.5, was statistically significantly associated with a high fibroscan score (p = 0.038 and p = 0.443 respectively). Conclusion PsD patients had higher rates of significant fibrosis/cirrhosis compared with patients with Other SpAs. FIB-4 was better than ELF for identifying which PsD patients required fibroscan and further investigation to exclude significant fibrosis/ cirrhosis. These findings will now be validated in a larger prospective study. Disclosure S.R. Harrison: None. U. Nandasoma: None. R. Parker: None. C. Chimakurthi: None. P. Laws: None. A. Barr: None. C. Vandevelde: None. H. Marzo-Ortega: None. J. Freeston: None.
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