Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy has been shown to improve left ventricular performance in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and a left-sided interventricular conduction delay. This is performed by placing a pacing lead on the lateral left ventricular wall to stimulate the area normally stimulated by the left bundle branch. In patients with right bundle branch block (RBBB), pacing the right bundle branch could also result in resynchronization. Previous studies have shown that right ventricular outflow septal (RVOS) pacing does, in fact, utilize the native conduction system. Methods: 53 consecutive patients, 42 male/11 female, aged 75 ± 10.8 yr, with RBBB and indications for pacing underwent RVOS lead placement using commercially available pacing systems. The patients subsequently underwent bedside A-V optimization to achieve the narrowest QRS duration and most “normal” QRS complex. Echocardiography was performed to evaluate changes in wall motion comparing baseline with optimal pacing. Results:Baseline mean QRS duration 145 ± 18.1 msOptimized mean QRS duration 110 ± 20.7 msAverage Optimal AV Delay 205 ± 45.9 msAverage decrease in QRS duration 34 ± 21.4 msp < 0.001Echocardiography demonstrated improvement in septal contraction abnormalities.Conclusions: 1) RVOS pacing in RBBB patients can significantly narrow the QRS complex on ECG. 2) Septal contraction abnormalities due to RBBB can be improved with RVOS pacing and optimal A-V timing. 3) Further studies are warranted to evaluate this therapy in a heart failure population.