AbstractIf μ is a probability measure which is invariant and ergodic with respect to the transformationx↦qxon the circle ℝ/ℤ, then according to the ergodic theorem, {qnx} has the asymptotic distribution μ for μ-a.e.x. On the other hand, Weyl showed that when μ is Lebesgue measure, λ, and {mj} is an arbitrary sequence of integers increasing strictly to ∞, the asymptotic distribution of {mjx} is λ for λ-a.e.x. Here, we investigate the asymptotic distributions of {mjx} μ-a.e. for fairly arbitrary {mj} under some strong mixing conditions on μ. The result is a kind of stable ergodicity: the distributions are obtained from simple operations applied to μ. The ideas extend to the situation of a sequence of transformationsx↦qnxwhere invariance is not present. This gives us information about many Riesz products and Bernoulli convolutions. Finally, we apply the theory to resolve some questions aboutH-sets.