Due to narrow beamwidth and channel sparseness, millimeter-wave receivers will detect much less multipath than their microwave counterparts, fundamentally changing the small-scale fading properties. By corollary, the de facto Rayleigh-Rice model, which assumes a rich multipath environment interpreted by the Clarke-Jakes omnidirectional ring of scatterers, does not provide an accurate description of this fading nor of the correlation distance that it predicts. Rather, a model interpreted by a directional ring of scatterers, recently proposed in seminal work by Va et al., theoretically demonstrated a strong dependence of correlation distance on beamwidth. To support Va's model through actual measurement, we conducted an exhaustive measurement campaign in five different environments - three indoor and two outdoor - with our 60 GHz 3D double-directional channel sounder, compiling over 36,000 channel captures. By exploiting the super-resolution capabilities of the channel sounder, we were the first, to our knowledge, to measure correlation distance as a function of continuous beamwidth. We showed that for narrow beamwidth, correlation was maintained for much longer distances than predicted by the Rayleigh-Rice model, validating Va's model. As the beamwidth approached omnidirectionality, with increasing number of multipath detected, the behavior indeed approached the Rayleigh-Rice model.
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