Thesynthesisandfoldingofproteinsoften occursin kinetically coupled processes in order to avoidthe accumulation of aggregation-prone unfoldedpolypeptide chains. Chaperones are specificallyrecruited to the ribosomal tunnel exit where theywait for the appearance of appropriate binding siteson the emerging polypeptide chains in order toensureearlybindingoffoldingfactors.Foranumberof chaperones and nascent chain modifying en-zymes, the binding sites on the ribosome weremapped to high molecular resolution and theirrelevance for cotranslational protein folding hasbeen studied in detail[1].In contrast, our understanding of how ribosomesassociate with the components that mediate proteininsertionintolipidbilayersisstillrelativelyscarce.Dueto their hydrophobic nature, nascent membraneproteins have a much higher risk to form insolubleaggregates. Hence, a tight coupling of the synthesisand insertion of membrane proteins appears crucial.Two evolutionary conserved systems mediate themembrane integration of proteins: the Sec61/SecYtranslocon (Sec complex) and protein insertases ofthe YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 protein family. The Sec complexforms a translocation pore that allows the completetranslocation of secretory proteins through the mem-brane, as well as the insertion of membrane proteinsviaalateralgate[2].Ribosomescandirectlydockontothe Sec complex so that the ribosomal polypeptidetunnel and the translocation pore in the membraneform one continuous channel [3,4]. The targeting ofribosomes to the Sec complex is thereby initiated bythe signal recognition particle in conjunction with itsreceptor [5].Members of the YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 protein familymediate the insertion of proteins into membranes ofbacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts, respectively.The precise mode of action is not known, but theirsubstrates typically lack larger soluble domains onthe trans side of the membrane, suggesting thattheir major activity is the integration and folding oftransmembrane segments in the lipid bilayer ratherthanthe translocationof hydrophilic segmentsacrossthe membrane. Nevertheless, the Oxa1 protein of themitochondrialinnermembrane,incooperationwithitshomolog Cox18, was shown to facilitate membranetranslocation of even long hydrophilic domains [6,7]and electrophysiological measurements with purifiedOxa1showedanabilitytoformsubstrate-gatedpores[8].The membrane-embedded insertase domain ofbacterial YidC (Fig. 1a), mitochondrial Oxa1 andchloroplast Alb3 are closely related and functionallyinterchangeable[9–11],butOxa1,incontrasttoYidC,contains a C-terminal ribosome binding domain(Fig. 1b) that connects the protein permanently tomitochondrial ribosomes [12,13]. The permanenttetheringofmitochondrialribosomestothemembraneis presumably a consequence of the evolution of themitochondrial genome during which genes coding forhydrophilic proteins were lost.The bacterial YidC protein lacks a C-terminalribosome binding domain and only exposes a veryshortC-terminalstretchof13residuesintothecytosol.Cross-linking studies indicated that, during the syn-thesis of membrane proteins, YidC and bacterialribosomesareinclosecontact[14,15]butitremainedunclear whether YidC binds bacterial ribosomesdirectly. This important issue was now carefullyaddressed by the group of Arnold Driessen in astudy published in this issue of Journal of MolecularBiology [16]. By use of fluorescence correlationspectroscopy, the authors showed that YidC doesnot associate with bacterial ribosomes (Fig. 1b).Interestingly, the addition of just six histidine residuesto the C-terminus of YidC is sufficient to bind YidC toribosomesparticularlyuponlowpHwheremoreofthehistidineresiduesarepositivelycharged.Thisisavery