Riboflavin deposition in organs of Drosophila hydei was studied by means of a growth test using a riboflavin-deficient strain of the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In wild-type animals, riboflavin is deposited in Malpighian tubules (MT) and testes but not in adult eyes. Certain white (w) mutants do not contain riboflavin, whereas intermediately colored w mutants contain minor amounts of the substance. Riboflavin-containing MT cells contain special globules that can be fixed and stained with the redox dye phenazine-methosulphate. The number and size of these granules is related to growth effect and point to a role of the w locus in the intracellular deposition of riboflavin in special organs. In white-mottled (wm) position-effect variegation mutants, a significant correlation was found between the extent of variegation (percentage of yellow cells) and riboflavin content (growth effect) of the MT. However, the individual variation of cell phenotype was extremely large and exaggerated types were observed indicating "overdominance" of the rearranged w+ gene. This contradicts an unsubstantiated dogma of position-effect variegation that assumes that the affected gene simply switches between the on and off state, as is discussed.